Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 36: Cardio X

Congratulations to me - I have now officially completed 5 weeks of P90X Lean without skipping a day! However, I started getting a sore throat yesterday which I fear may turn into the horrible cold The Boyfriend had last week, so we'll see how long my streak lasts. I was feeling pretty low this morning and I was pressed for time, so I decided to do Cardio X instead of Core Synergistics. I took it easy so as not to exacerbate my throat, but I think I still got a decent workout. Bless you Cardio X, for being short and relatively non-annoying.

As for results - I've been feeling pretty frustrated because my weight is just really not budging - I'm stuck right around where I started, some days a pound or two lower. However, just in the past week I've been feeling as though my pants are loosening up and I'm seeing more definition around my collarbones and face, so who knows, maybe things are shifting. The Boyfriend swears I look skinnier, and I swear he does too, although he claims his love handles are bigger than ever. I'm pondering taking halfway photos - we'll be there in just 9 days!

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