Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Recovery: 30-Day Shred Level I

Well, my "real" recovery lasted about 2 days before I started feeling guilty about not working out (I kept hearing Tony's voice in my head, talking about getting old and eating Krispy Kremes). So, I popped in Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred video today, just to get a quick but thorough workout. I worked out to this video for a while before P90X and I found it pretty intense, though short.

The good news: it's still intense, mostly because Jillian doesn't allow ANY rest between exercises, so you're going all out for 20 mins. The bad news: it's basically glorified cardio, and that is lame. Seriously, chest flys with 3lb dumbbells? Bicep curls with 3lb dumbbells? And all the while Jillian promising that you'll get ripped if you doing this every day? Please. I really feel sorry for all the fat Hausfraus out there who believe that if they just do this video for 20 mins a day, they'll end up looking like Jillian. If there's one thing I've learned from P90X, it's that that level of muscularity and fitness takes heavy weight, HARD work, and a lot of it.

I also firmly believe that it's possible to be extremely fit even when you're not at your ideal weight. While P90X Lean has nothing on the Classic program, I do think you need to be pretty fit to finish it, and I finished it even though I'm a good 20 (or even 30) pounds above what I would consider my ideal weight. The Husband is probably more like 40 or 50 pounds above what he'd prefer and he finished it (sort of) too. I have never thought exercise was a good way to lose weight, and after doing this, I believe that more than ever.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 98: Fit Test

HALLELUJAH!!!!!! I finished P90X Lean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, enough self-congratulating. I do feel a sense of accomplishment, but I'm very disappointed at my lack of weight loss over the last 3 months. I'm still hovering right around the 3 lbs lost mark, which is completely ridiculous, given that on Atkins it's not unusual to lose 3 lbs a week. But I digress. Today is all about my fit test results!

I did some googling but was unable to find out if there's an "expected" level of improvement upon completion of P90X, so I don't really have a benchmark by which to measure my performance. Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy. I still can't do a pullup, but I added 3 inches to my vertical leap, doubled the amount of girly knee pushups I can do (12 at the beginning, 25 now) AND developed the ability to do 3 or 4 real pushups. I added 42 seconds to my wall squat time (112 seconds as opposed to 70 before) and I can now do 38 bicep curls with 10lbs instead of 18. I doubled my In & Outs as well, which was surprising since I really slacked off on Ab Ripper at the end. Cardio-wise, my resting heart rate hasn't changed but my recovery rate was MUCH better - after 4 mins of rest I was down to 84bpm as opposed to 98bpm when I started.

So, some good things. I will have The Husband take some pics and post them soon, although the visual results aren't really what I had hoped. I need to take measurements too. I am at a loss as to how to get the weight loss going, but that's not going to stop me from doing the Classic program - in a few weeks. I want some real recovery time, and I want to do another "pre-90X" week to adjust to Plyo a bit, because I don't want to lose the ability to walk. I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to Classic, but I am looking forward to the results!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 96: Core Synergistics

Well, I was right – I was SORE on Wednesday. So sore, in fact, that I not only skipped Stretch X (which I admittedly always skip), but I also skipped Yoga X or whatever I was supposed to do on Thursday. I felt like myself again today though (more or less), so I tackled my final round of Core Synergistics this morning.

Um, okay. I skipped Core entirely last week, but I have otherwise been quite faithful about doing it when scheduled and bringing it as much as possible, so I’m not quite sure why I still hate this workout and suck so badly at it. I admit I have made improvements, but I still can’t get through all of the reps of every exercise. Part of this is probably due to the fact that I’m adding weight where appropriate, so those exercises are becoming more taxing, but still. Annoying. I did do the reach-high-and-under pushups on my feet today like a real man, though, so that’s something. Thank Jeebus this workout doesn’t get done much in Classic, because I hate it. Hate.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 93: Cardio X

With my tail between my legs, I returned to the regular recovery week schedule today, although I had to do Cardio X instead of Core due to time constraints. I had a pretty good showing on Cardio X today, but OMFG are my legs sore. Also, I’m one of those people who always suffers worst two days after a rough workout, so I can only imagine how unpleasant tomorrow is going to be.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 92: Plyometrics

Ironically, Labor Day marks what would have been the end of P90X Lean if I hadn’t skipped a week, and because I did, marks the beginning of my final “recovery” week. The Husband declared Labor Day a work out free day, but he sort of fell off the wagon after we got back from eloping and hasn’t been sticking to the schedule at all. He promises to renew his commitment when we start Classic, though! Anyway, since I’m generally a contrary person, I decided to work out. However, Yoga X was on the schedule for today and I really wasn’t in the mood for the plinky-plunky music or 90 minutes of Tony, so I decided to give Plyo a try in preparation for starting Classic.

Well, let me just say that my recovery week is definitely going to involve recovery now – from Plyo. I think I did about one-third of this video, and that’s being generous. I was gasping for air by the end of the warm-up and ready to vomit by minute 30. OMFG. Also, big thanks to Tony for adding insult to injury by constantly telling us that if his buddy with one leg can do it, so can we. Um, fuck you, Tony. This video is ridiculous. I think the one-legged guy wants you dead too.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 88: Back and Biceps

I seem to be limping to the P90X finish line rather than sprinting as I had hoped. Got sidetracked by a little getaway to the country last weekend, and although I was very active while I was there (tons of swimming), I did end up skipping P90X on Monday of this week and starting Week 12 on Tuesday instead. My upper body is still screaming from Chest, Shoulders and Tris, which made Back and Biceps extra fun today. I had planned to double up and do Cardio X today as well (did Yoga X yesterday), but due to time constraints I couldn’t fit it in. Oh, and let’s not even talk about Ab Ripper X, because I haven’t done that in like three weeks. Argh. I’m starting to get a little bored of the Kenpo/Core/Yoga grind. I need something to motivate me or at least mix it up a bit. And that annoying Katie bitch on the Back and Biceps video didn't do it.

All of that said, today was my last weight workout of the Lean program and I do feel like I have made more gains in strength with P90X than with any other weight program I’ve ever done. I can look back on my spreadsheets and see TONS of progress from where I started. This morning I was able to control myself downward on pullups without assistance from my feet – that is huge (upward is going to take a lot more work, LOL). I can do a REAL pushup (actually, I can do a couple!). Despite skipping Ab Ripper, I’m able to complete Yoga Belly 7 with minimal swearing. I’m going to finish out the rest of the Lean program just so I can say I did it, but I’m looking forward to starting the Classic program in a couple of weeks – I can’t wait to see what Classic will do for me!