Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Recovery: 30-Day Shred Level I

Well, my "real" recovery lasted about 2 days before I started feeling guilty about not working out (I kept hearing Tony's voice in my head, talking about getting old and eating Krispy Kremes). So, I popped in Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred video today, just to get a quick but thorough workout. I worked out to this video for a while before P90X and I found it pretty intense, though short.

The good news: it's still intense, mostly because Jillian doesn't allow ANY rest between exercises, so you're going all out for 20 mins. The bad news: it's basically glorified cardio, and that is lame. Seriously, chest flys with 3lb dumbbells? Bicep curls with 3lb dumbbells? And all the while Jillian promising that you'll get ripped if you doing this every day? Please. I really feel sorry for all the fat Hausfraus out there who believe that if they just do this video for 20 mins a day, they'll end up looking like Jillian. If there's one thing I've learned from P90X, it's that that level of muscularity and fitness takes heavy weight, HARD work, and a lot of it.

I also firmly believe that it's possible to be extremely fit even when you're not at your ideal weight. While P90X Lean has nothing on the Classic program, I do think you need to be pretty fit to finish it, and I finished it even though I'm a good 20 (or even 30) pounds above what I would consider my ideal weight. The Husband is probably more like 40 or 50 pounds above what he'd prefer and he finished it (sort of) too. I have never thought exercise was a good way to lose weight, and after doing this, I believe that more than ever.

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