Saturday, May 22, 2010


I know, I know – not another P90X blog. The internet is full of them, and I can’t tell you how many I’ve found that are approximately two entries long. Um, duh, people. P90X is hard. I hate starting things and not finishing them, so I won’t be posting anything on this blog until I’ve determined that I’m not going to quit P90X before I start.

A little about me: I’m a former fatty, who lost a bunch of weight (65+ pounds) about 10 years ago (in my early 20s) doing the Atkins diet. I’ve stuck with low-carb ever since and have managed to maintain the bulk of my weight loss, although an annoying 10 (or 20) pounds has crept back now that I’m in my early 30s. I lost the weight without any real exercise at all, so I’m probably what you’d call skinny fat (although I never got really skinny, so perhaps “chubby fat” would be a better term). I’ve done quite a bit of yoga and some other exercise, but my only real fitness talent seems to be flexibility. As of today, I cannot do a regular push-up (although I’m not too bad at the girly kind) and I most certainly cannot do a pullup. I last hit the treadmill at Christmas when my mother dragged me to the gym with her, and I was able to jog a 12 minute mile (no incline) before passing out from exhaustion.

Quite frankly, most types of exercise bore the crap out of me, and if I can find any excuse not to do them, I won’t. I’m trying to get The Boyfriend on board with this P90X adventure, simply because I am more likely to do it if I know he’s suffering with me. So far, he has agreed to give it a go, but he’s pretty skeptical about some of the exercises involved, especially the yoga (he’s about as flexible as your average steel rod). He is also a former fatty who lost weight with Atkins, but has gained a few recently and really wants to get in better shape overall. Our bonus motivation is that we’re planning on a cruise for our honeymoon in February, and neither of us wants to look like beached whales in the Caribbean. There’s not much we can do about our otherworldly whiteness (if we want to avoid skin cancer, that is), but we can hopefully do something about the cellulite that makes the whiteness even shinier. So, welcome to our P90X journey!

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